Healthcare News
Relationship between the morphology of osteophytes and cartilage lesions
The present study aimed to describe the frequency and severity of tram-track lesions in anterior ankle impingement in athletes and to evaluate the association between osteophyte morphology and severity of tram-track lesions, the distinctive cartilage lesions associated with tibial osteophytes in anterior ankle impingement syndrome.
Stress Fractures: Causes, Risks, and Treatment Options
Stress fractures occur from tiny cracks in the bones from repetitive activity, referred to as cumulative trauma. Usually, stress fractures occur in the tibial and metatarsal bones (see diagrams below), but they can occur in any weight-bearing bones. Stress fractures occur in people who undergo a great deal of physical activity, such as military personnel, athletes, and runners.
Got Bunions? Key Factors to Whether Surgery Will Work for You
Researchers have stepped up with a new study highlighting the key factors that may determine the procedure, known as modified Lapidus surgery, will be unsuccessful.
Jones Fracture of the Foot: Symptoms, Treatment, and Recovery
Jones fractures are caused by sudden force on the outside of the foot when twisted, usually with the heel off the ground. This can occur from overuse, playing sports, dancing, or a slip-and-fall accident.
What Is Retrocalcaneal Bursitis?
The most common cause of any bursitis is overuse. In the case of retrocalcaneal bursitis, overuse may include repetitive movements from activities like running, walking, or jumping. It's especially common in professional athletes.